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The Carbon County Comet (ISSN 2993-31110) is published weekly. The Carbon County Comet print edition is free at participating locations. If you would like to receive the Carbon County Comet by mail, the subscription is $5 per month. Subscribe by calling (307) 306-4577 or go online to carboncountycomet.com. Periodicals Postage (PE25708) is paid at the Hanna, Wyoming post office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Carbon County Comet, P.O. Box 16, Hanna, Wyoming 82327. The known office of publication is located at 109 S. 5th Street, Hanna, Wyoming 82327. The Carbon County Comet is owned by C6 Press LLC; 30 N. Gould Street Ste. R, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801.