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Turkey pot pie

By Dana Davis

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Here it is, a long week of Thanksgiving leftovers. Everyone in the family has had enough turkey sandwiches but somehow, there is still turkey left. 

This recipe is a take-off of one that is a favorite of my family. It is versatile and can be used for sprucing up any loathed leftovers. The dish will be devoured and you will once again be able to close the refrigerator door.

The surprisingly easy recipe for homemade Horchata

By Dana Davis

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Horchata is one of those drinks that I had always assumed would be difficult to make. While it does take time to soak ingredients, it is surprisingly easy to make. It is a great non-dairy drink to serve with a family meal. 

Mexican scrambled eggs

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


I remember there was a time when I steered clear of eggs for breakfast if I could, especially scrambled eggs. I preferred French toast, pancakes, or even cereal. In my late teenage years, I told people I couldn’t eat eggs. I had it in my mind that I didn’t like them at all.

Pardons, presidential turkeys and a must-try leftover recipe

Lunch Lady Corner

CJ Lindsay

A delicious alternative stuffing for Thanksgiving

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Wonderful heated drinks for winter’s cold season

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


I am a fan of warm drinks when it gets cold and although the weather this year in Carbon County has been fairly mild, winter is coming.

As a kid, my stepfather and mother had tea in the morning instead of coffee. I think I started drinking tea regularly as a teenager with breakfast.

A toast to tradition: The elegance and legacy of Scotch Whisky

By Danny Burau

Owner of The Malt


In the picturesque landscapes of Scotland, amidst rolling hills and rugged terrain, a time-honored tradition has been perfected over centuries - the creation of Scotch whisky. This amber elixir, known for its rich history and complex flavors, symbolizes Scotland’s legacy and craftsmanship.

Warm up your fall with salsa verde soup

The Lunch Lady Corner

CJ Lindsay

As we are heading into colder weather, I thought this would be a good time to look at a soup I recently found. While I was fixing this soup, and making part of it, I kept saying to myself that I knew this recipe, but I couldn’t figure out from where.  Finally, it dawned on me that it was salsa verde.  

Seafood Lasagna

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Growing up, I was blessed with a mother who knew how to make lasagna. I don’t know her recipe exactly, but I know in general how she did it. I know it was fairly labor intensive and I learned from her, this was a dish that could not be rushed.

She always made hers with beef or sausage. 

Absinthe: From prohibition to popularity

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


One of the cool things about living overseas, certain items that were prohibited to be consumed in the United States, were not illegal in the countries I lived in. Cuban cigars were abundant in Taiwan and China. I am not much of a cigar smoker, to begin with, and I didn’t get what all the fuss was about. 

Noodle history

I am sorry I have been away, you know how life can get.  But while I was gone, I have been exploring some new recipes.  One of which I am going to share today.  That is, if you want something with a spice to it, but nothing a good glass of milk won’t fix.  

Apple Dumplings

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


I am blessed with a memory that can go back to when I was around two years old. No kidding. I am not saying I have tons of memories from three and younger, but it is surprising how much I can recall.

Definitely one of my favorite memories was my mother making me Apple Dumplings for dinner.

Yes, dinner and not dessert.

The Spanish Gin and Tonic

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Since the Spanish Gin and Tonic was mentioned in the Carbon County Travel column this week; it certainly makes sense to feature the recipe in this edition.

A regular gin and tonic known to most Americans is a basic cocktail created in a highball glass. 

Fill the highball glass (usually 12 ounces) with ice.

Put in 2 ounces of gin.

BBQ pork ribs on menu for Monday, November 6, ‘Gather at the Table’ meal

By Dick Perue    

Deacon, Saratoga Presbyterian Church


BBQ pork ribs, stuffed baked potato skins, fried potato patties, garlic bread, desserts and drinks are all on the menu when we next Gather at the Table Monday, Nov. 6th  from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Saratoga Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at the corner of 3rd & Bridge.

All are welcome to enjoy the free meal along with fun and fellowship.

Six homemade soups on menu for October 26 ‘Soup Luncheon’

By Dick Perue    

Deacon, Saratoga Presbyterian Church


Homemade soups on the menu for the next Deacon’s Soup Luncheon are listed as Broccoli Cheese, Potato, Chicken Chili, Beef Noodle, Chicken Green Enchilada, and “mystery”.

Folks are invited to gather for this popular event Thursday, October 26, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Saratoga Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall at the corner of Third & Bridge.

Game fowl Divan

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


I am a broccoli lover and a casserole that has a huge amount of broccoli is a Divan usually made with chicken. I have substituted Cornish game hen and turkey although shredding it after it is cooked, takes a little time. Other game birds can be used, but again, shredding the meat after it has been cooked, takes time. Chicken works too since it was originally a chicken dish.

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