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Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

The expectations of somebody else might work to your benefit when it comes to getting something bedded down or better structured, setting in place a situation that can be built upon in time.  It could also encourage you to seek out more information and this may bring you into contact with people with good ideas.



(April 20- May 20)

Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

You might need to contend with varying opinions when it comes to what needs to be let go in order to put a better structure in place. This may not get fully sorted until early next year, so I wouldn’t get too worried if there seems to be no real solution that you feel entirely happy about. See what unfolds as time goes on.



(April 20- May 20)

Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

Somebody else could move on in some way leaving you in a position where you can structure matters as you wish. It could leave you free to focus on new situations with other people. You should wind up loose ends when it comes to little things you might have been leaving as there can be a lot to think about involving others to mid-October.



9-14-24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

Keep your mind focused on what is manageable on a daily basis. Anything that has been getting out of hand can unexpectedly seem overwhelming. To become more comfortable you have little choice but to scale things back. This is more long-term than short-term. These decisions may not be easy but you need to be sensible.



(April 20- May 20)

9/7/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

You are in a good position to make some final decisions on something you may have first considered late July to mid-August. The position of somebody else may be clearer now, particularly if they decide to bring something to an end. If this does happen it can make it easier in some way when it comes to normal routines in life.



(April 20- May 20)

8/31/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

You are moving into the first stage of putting your energies into getting a good foundation in place in life.  This could include home and family matters but not necessarily.  Ridding yourself of obligations that could have been in your life, one way or another since 2008, could be an important first step.  A new focus on normal routines could help.



Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

It might seem time is suddenly running out to work on getting matters that need to be dealt with on a regular basis in better order, as you had intended.  Distractions of late can start to settle down in one way but social activity and more interaction with others will start to pick up.  This is why it is important to get to and do things now.



8/17/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

Go over matters in your mind when it comes to any doubts or whether recent decisions might have been the best ones.  This might be set off because of being questioned as to practicality or responsibilities.  You might be surprised to find that something that has been extremely important at all costs could be modified after all.



Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

There can be matters where it might be wise not to make your thoughts entirely clear or situations that are a mystery to you.  Watch your words, especially if you feel frustrated because you could end up saying more than is wise, particularly if you feel that somebody else is expecting too much for their own benefit.



(April 20- May 20)

Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21–April 19)

Before things go any deeper with your latest love connection, you’ve gotta have a talk and figure out if your values are actually aligned. You’re too busy right now to be wasting your time with someone who doesn’t want the same things as you (as much as it’s nice to wake up with someone by your side.) Either a clear yes or a clear no comes as an unexpected gift on the 2nd.


8/3/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

It won’t hurt to leave usual routines to one side and take advantage of any new social activity that might present itself.  You could come away from that with a totally different way of looking at things.  This might include involving yourself with more pleasurable ways that benefit your health as this still needs attention to late August.



7/20/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

You could come to a final decision about something that you no longer need to spend money on, especially if other expenses have recently been coming up.  You could begin to see different ways of enjoying yourself.  There can be a lot to think about over the next month as well as much running around.  It can be a lot of fun.



(April 20- May 20)

7/13/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

Any sudden moves involving finances needs to be towards endings that would then allow you to put a more comforting foundation in place that could put doubts and worries behind you.  The opinion of somebody else could be helpful in that they better understand the information that doesn’t really interest you.  Be sensible.



(April 20- May 20)

7/6/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – April 19)

The opportunity to be able to do things your way can seem a lucky break but what you need to be careful about is being overly confident.  Some sort of balance an at underlying level needs to be maintained either to do with family or you might be reminded by family due to the fact they can sense the unexpected more than you.



(April 20- May 20)

6/22/24 Horoscopes by Aurora


(March 21 – 

April 19)

You might need to take on some extra obligations over the next month.  The opportunity to get something better organized, that could include home or family matters may present itself.  Someone could make these suggestions to you.  Your initial thought might be to reject the idea; however it would be worth consideration.



6/15/24 Lighter Side
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