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Armed Robbery at Rawlins Convenience Store: Police Seek Public’s Help Identifying Suspect

Press Release

Mira Miller, Community Relations/PIO, 

City of Rawlins, Wyoming


At 8:25pm on Monday, Jan 13th, 2025 an armed robbery was reported at the Stinker Store at 302 Airport Road, Rawlins,

 Carbon County, WY to the Rawlins Police Department. An African American male with dreadlocks, wearing a tan pants, face mask, black shoes and a gray hoodie with an image of three faces entered the store, displayed a silver-colored handgun to the cashier, and stole US currency and a bag of beef jerky. After the robbery, he was seen entering a dark colored vehicle and heading eastbound on Cedar Street towards Interstate 80 or Highway 76.

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The Rawlins Police Department asks for assistance in identifying the suspect, shown in the attached photos. The Carbon County Sheriff Office and Wyoming Highway Patrol also responded and are assisting. If you have any information, please call the Rawlins Police Department at 307-328-4530 or your local law enforcement agency.

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