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The Awesomeness of Dogs

My furry little beast that I found about 10 years ago at a friend’s house in her large flower garden might disagree with the title. 

She is a gray longhair cat.

Not that she has ever really come into contact with a dog, really.

Scooter was about five weeks old when I found her, and truthfully, I had no intention of keeping her.

The Loss that Comes from Aging

A friend that I was a business partner with sent me a video of his son playing guitar on stage and singing.

His son is 14.


It seems like a very short time ago my friend was living here in Hanna, while we were trying to get our company up and running and finishing up a bartending book.

We got the  book done and published, but on a trip to Las Vegas for business, we met his future wife on a plane.

Winter Driving Lessons from Wyoming and Beyond

Many residents I have talked to in Carbon County, have said we have had a mild winter. Compared to two years ago, they are not wrong. I was still working as the Hanna Recreation Director and I remember we got snow right on Halloween.

Amazing in so many ways

The other day I got into a conversation with a student from Duke University about her travels overseas.

Sarah M was visiting family in Medicine Bow and it came up that she had recently been to Singapore and Malaysia.

As far as Malaysia goes, we had seen different parts of the country although I did know the area she visited.

Good People on the Road
Poker Past 

I am learning as each year goes by, there are events and times that shape a person from the past that are almost forgotten.

Now that I have a decent amount of years under my belt, I can break my life down a bit. I do it mostly by where I was living and the jobs that were held. My marriage and who I was dating also come into play.

My time in Taiwan is broken into two stages, mostly because I lived there at two different times. I did the same thing with Australia.

The Lesson Learned at Christmas

The Carbon County Traveler

Mike Armstrong


One of the great things about this job during Christmas time is covering events that involve kids who are talking to Santa Claus. It is still early in the season, and I imagine I am going to see children with big eyes filled with wonder asking Santa for their gifts in the days to come.

How a Quiet Night at the Virginian Turned Into a Story Worth Telling

This weekend, after the Thanksgiving holiday, was a slow night at the Virginian. I was not surprised since the weather was cold and I knew a lot of regular customers had left town. The night was winding down when a couple came in to check into the hotel and got a room.

Once they were done with getting their accommodations for the evening, they came into the bar, where I was tending bar.

Saturday evening is my regular shift.

Rediscovering Thanksgiving Through Time and Change

I have a decent memory, but I am hard pressed to remember my first Thanksgiving. I remember Christmas the I was five. For some events,I can remember back to three. 

Thanksgiving, try as I might, I don’t remember the holiday being celebrated until I was about 10 or 11.

That goes for both my families.

Comet Perseveres Through Tech Crisis

The Carbon County Traveler

Mike Armstrong


In the days of computers taking over duties of typewriters and connecting to modern printing presses, there is no doubt the process has made printing a newspaper light years easier than the days when Dick Perue (an editor, journalist and owner of a Carbon County newspaper) was first in the industry.

Saratoga’s Strength Lies in Its Community Spirit

By Dana Davis

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Living in Wyoming often feels like being part of an extended small-town family, where neighbors look out for one another, friendships span generations, and there’s a shared pride in calling this state home. Saratoga is no exception. But even in communities as close-knit as ours, challenges arise—challenges that test not only our resilience but also our commitment to standing together.

Learning More about Veterans Day 

The Carbon County Traveler

Mike Armstrong


Veterans Day really brings out the best in Americans. I understand it because I am super proud to be a son of veterans and a brother to one also. 

I am also a grandson of a man who was a lifer in the military.

Chewing Cultures in Wyoming and Taiwan

In most of the bars I have worked in Wyoming, there have been over a half dozen, one thing that is interesting, is how accommodating most of these establishments were to chew or known as chewing tobacco.

Exercise Your Right, Vote with Purpose

By Dana Davis

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Voting is one of the most critical rights and duties Americans have — especially for women. We’re fortunate to live in Wyoming, a state that led the charge for women’s suffrage.

Rediscovering the Present Amid the Loss of Past Memories

In a recent column, I indicated my basement flooded. Thanks to the help of my neighbor, Perry Goodrich, a lot of bad things that could have happened, did not.

We got an inch of water out of my basement in a very timely manner. 

Once the water was most out, I used dehumidifiers to soak up more of the water that was still hanging around.

Quick action saved a lot of things, but there was a lot lost.

Great Neighbors

The Carbon County Traveler

Mike Armstrong

Life can definitely throw curve balls and when they happen, I have found it better to try and find the best of the situation than not.

Brave words and not always easy to put into practice.

Recently, I had a mishap in my home that made me realize how lucky I was and am.

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