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A Legend that Helps Carbon County and Beyond

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


The first time I talked to Diane Shober, the Executive Director for the Wyoming Office of Tourism (WOT) where she has led the state’s promotional efforts since June 2003, I just made the Hanna representative for the Carbon County Visitors Council (known as Discover Carbon County).

I was very enthusiastic about my new position.

Remembering the Savior of Sinclair

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Steve Sondergard’s name might be familiar to many residents of Carbon County because he once was the refinery manager of Sinclair. To the people who knew of him, it would not be a surprise to think of him as legendary.

He was. 

Carbon County Legendary Cowboy Gone

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


“My heart is broken but what a great legacy he’s left,” the owner of Wild Visions Photo, April Avery said. “He truly loved Carbon County.”

Avery is talking about Billy O “Cowboy” Wadsworth who passed away on May 31. 

Cowboy was a human being whose passing touched a lot of people throughout the County. 

A Philanthropic Legend in Carbon County

By Mike Armstrong    

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


There is a person who I have watched come to the aid of different projects in Carbon County on multiple occasions. Her dedication to helping children in all sorts of ways is not so much amazing as it is inspiring.

Legends Taking on a Legend

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Quite a lot of Carbon County residents are proud of their history whether it is specifically their town or the County itself.

Carbon County is a place with a lot to offer.

We are blessed with several historical hotels that allow visitors to glimpse into the past a little bit. The Hotel Wolf and the Elk Mountain Hotel are both excellent examples of this.

A Legend in Industry and Carbon County

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Tourism is an important industry in Wyoming and Carbon County. Although it may feel like the tourism industry just sort of grew by people discovering Wyoming, the industry grew under the stewardship of people like Dave Rader, who lives in Rawlins and is an owner of the Econo Lodge.

C.J. Box: The Literary Legend and Advocate of Carbon County, Wyoming

By Mike Armstrong

Writer, Carbon County Comet


Charles James Box, known to most of the world, as C.J. Box is the creator of Joe Pickett, one of the most iconic fiction characters of the West. The Pickett series is set in Wyoming and C.J. Box writes characters from Carbon County into his Joe Pickett series. 

That is cool if you think about it.

A legend and a star of Rawlins and Carbon County

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Mike Lujan, owner of Big City Steakhouse is a first for the Comet. We are picking him as both a Legend of Carbon County and a new section we will be doing called  Carbon County Star.

Legendary Carbon County couple, Victor and Nancy Anderson, champions of history and love

By Mike Armstrong

Writer, Carbon County Comet


Every time we consider a person for our Legends story, I have to admit a person(s) who is always at the top of the list is the person(s) we picked to start off the new year.

The main reason, we have not chosen them before, Nancy Anderson quite honestly has made it clear, that she doesn’t like media attention.

It is understandable.

A quiet legend of Hanna and Carbon County

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


When the Avenue of the Flags in Hanna has needed to be put out in the past few years, there has been one person always putting them out, usually with the help of someone else, but he has been known to do it alone if need be.

From undefeated Coach to ranching legend - A story of respect and legacy in Little Snake River Valley

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


The Cobb family has been ranching in the Little Snake River Valley for generations. They are respected for what they have accomplished with their ranch, and one member, Jack, is known for his coaching of sports at the LSRV High School.

In a razor-sharp ending at War Memorial Stadium this past week, Jack’s undefeated team had a tough loss against Burlington.

The Community Legend

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


For almost 80 years, Toby Smith, a dedicated resident of Medicine Bow, quietly devoted his life to the betterment of his town and Carbon County.  Smith had been on various boards in his town and Carbon County. He was on the town council of Medicine Bow and he often dug people out in the wintertime.

Legend of Cowboy

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Pioneering builder and philanthropist Nelson Scott leaves lasting legacy in Carbon County

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


A pioneer of Carbon County’s past and the legacy of the Ferris Mansion

By Mike Armstrong

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


A living legend preserving Platte Valley’s history ‘One Photograph at a Time’

By Dana Davis

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


This past week Dick Perue spoke at the Grand Encampment Museum’s (GEM) annual meeting.  The iconic Dick Perue was on hand to do a presentation with the theme of “Preserving local history one picture at a time,” Perue’s commitment to documenting the rich heritage of the Platte Valley took center stage.

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