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Power Company of Wyoming Reclamation Project Revives, Expands Habitat for Sage-grouse

Press Release

Power Company of Wyoming


As part of its comprehensive, multi-year greater sage-grouse conservation plan, Power Company of Wyoming LLC is successfully working with scientists to turn land that sage-grouse avoided into healthy habitat that sage-grouse can use.

Anglers Brave Cold for 41st Annual Saratoga Lake Ice Fishing Derby

By K.J. Schricker

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


The Best Rescue is Self Rescue

By K.J. Schricker Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Search and Rescue had a run up to the Snowy Range Gates Sunday January 12th for what turned out to be a readiness check. A snowmobiler accidentally tripped a GPS alert system. There was also a search and rescue helicopter offering an eye in the sky to help them narrow down the search area.

UW’s Dale Part of New Postage Stamp Design That Depicts Spiral Galaxy

Press Release

University of Wyoming


Unless one is a scientist or a teacher of the sciences, it would be understandable if a person may not be familiar with spiral galaxies.

Protected areas provide habitat for threatened lynx, but wildfire poses risks

Press Release

Donna Nemeth

Regional Press Officer

Forest Service

Rocky Mountain Region


Forest Service Office in Laramie to Relocate

Press Release

Aaron Voos, Public Affairs, US Forest Service-Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests

& Thunder Basin National Grassland


After the new year turns, the USDA Forest Service (USFS) office in Laramie, Wyoming, will relocate from its’ current spot on the west side of town to a new building just south of town.

Southeast Wyoming Winter Parking Pilot Project Approved


Press Release

Aaron Voos, Public Affairs, US Forest Service-Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests

& Thunder Basin National Grassland


USDA Forest Service announces new monitoring policy

Press Release

USDA Forest Service


Communities at risk from wildfires can now apply for funding

Press Release

USDA Forest Service


Preparing for the Worst: Avalanches in the High Country

By K.J. Schricker

Reporter, Carbon County Comet


Nobody can argue that natural beauty often goes hand in hand with danger. While the winter season is young, Sheriff Alex Bakken and Platte Valley Search And Rescue got together on December 5 for a seminar on Avalanche safety.

Multiple options exist to obtain Christmas tree cutting permits

Press Release

Aaroon Voos, USDA Forest Service Public Affairs offers convenient online sales of permits 24/7.


Proposals Accepted for Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Summit at UW in May

Press Release

University of Wyoming


Proposals for next spring’s Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Summit (WORS) at the University of Wyoming are now being accepted. The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, Jan. 31.

UW Researchers Study the Relationship Between Insects and Wind Turbines

Press Release

University of Wyoming


For some time, scientists have been sounding the alarm on the decline of various insect species due to changes in land use and how those shifts will be exacerbated by climate change. However, insects are often an afterthought in the discussion of conservation issues related to wind energy infrastructure.

Multiple options exist to obtain Christmas tree cutting permits on Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests

Press Relaese

Public Affairs Specialist

Forest Service

Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests & Thunder Basin National Grassland offers convenient online sales of permits 24/7.


Winter pile burning to begin on Medicine Bow and Routt National Forests

Press Relaese

Public Affairs Specialist

Forest Service

Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests & Thunder Basin National Grassland


Existing slash piles will be burned during the coming months, utilizing snow for holding. 


Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland Rescinds Fire Restrictions

Press Relaese

Public Affairs Specialist

Forest Service

Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests & Thunder Basin National Grassland


Forest visitors should always use caution with anything that could be an ignition source for wildfire.


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